After being locked out of my account for 7 years and 11 months, I'm back in the Tank Taco saddle!
Tank Taco
A reference guide for the author about: scale modeling, model painting, history, war gaming, model inventory & project progress. Primary focus of modeling is WWII Armour & Infantry on the eastern front, with detail focus on the battle of Kursk
Thursday, November 30, 2023
Friday, January 1, 2016
Happy 2016
Many thing are happening this right now. However I'm shooting for having 2 field-able fighting forces this year.
Friday, October 9, 2015
Happy Tanktober!!!
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Strumtiger pondered by U.S. troops |
It's my favorite time of year and Tanktober only makes it better. So I'll use this post to insert photos of some of my favorite tanks and links to some of my favorite sites, plus some current info that I'm looking at while I build my armies. Thank Patton for Tanktober!
Tanktoberists Sites
The Originator - Dux Homunculorum:
The Man Cave:
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My first love was a Sherman much like This Black Magic. That Sherman was near the Zoo in Lincohn, Nebraska & it stole my heart when I was around 6 years old |
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My next infatuation was with the impressive Tiger I |
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The Soviet's T-34, considered by many as the greatest tank of WWII |
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T-28 US Tiger Killer that never saw action |
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The Beast that started it all |
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Lincoln-Machine #1 on trials in 1915 & covered up and said to be a water tank |
1st tank history HERE on "Tanks Encyclopdia" & the VIDEO about Little Willie
Great VIDEO on history of tank "Invention of the tank"
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A gaggle of Stug's for your enjoyment! |
Painting 15mm fast:
15mm germans fast & dirty:
How I painted 15mm soviet infantry:
Painting WWII magazine video review by ModelDads:
Black undercoat method for painting figures:
Squad painter on painting soviets(multiple posts):
WWII soviet painting guide by Steven's Balagan***:
Painting WWII soviet infantry- introduction:
Sunday, August 9, 2015
Basing Dilemma
My basic Basing dilemma
25mm Magnetic Bases (25count) by GaleForce Nine Magnetic Gaming Aids
Citadels Mixed Base Pack 1 (28 count) containing 20 32mm round bases, 5x 75mmx46mm oval bases, and 3x 50mm round bases
Various Zinc Washers from Home Depot, including sizes #10(1/2"round), 1-1/4" round, 1-1/2"round and various other sizes
Another ref.: HERE here
• Bill Werks' Blog on Washer Bases HERE ,Another BLOG about gluing washer to bottom of Gameworks base
J-B Weld : for filing in the holes on washers.
RUST-OLEUM Aluminum Primer
Blogs on Washer Bases. Searched by: wargaming with zinc washer bases
Basing on Fender washers video:
Magnetic Bases:
Site selling them
25mm Magnetic Bases (25count) by GaleForce Nine Magnetic Gaming Aids
Citadels Mixed Base Pack 1 (28 count) containing 20 32mm round bases, 5x 75mmx46mm oval bases, and 3x 50mm round bases
Various Zinc Washers from Home Depot, including sizes #10(1/2"round), 1-1/4" round, 1-1/2"round and various other sizes
Another ref.: HERE here
• Bill Werks' Blog on Washer Bases HERE ,Another BLOG about gluing washer to bottom of Gameworks base
J-B Weld : for filing in the holes on washers.
RUST-OLEUM Aluminum Primer
Blogs on Washer Bases. Searched by: wargaming with zinc washer bases
Basing on Fender washers video:
Magnetic Bases:
Site selling them
Progress Report from the Future; Thankgiving Holiday Paint Feast. "Raw"
Color schemes November 2015
* stuck on german helmet color after all this time
* Bought wet look gloss and used it before could return.
Helmets: 995(GermanGrey)[Lightened 2:1 995/836] , CamoCover 967(Olive green) also {recommended}979(Ger.Cam.DarkGreen) Kreig says Reflective green VMC890 w/bit of black
Metal =
Rifle Wood = VMC 70.875 Beige Brown
M-31 canteen WWII (mine 967 olive green) also use 894
Shove top: used
Feed bag: 874 us tan earth
Helmet: V894(Cam. Olive Green previously known as Russian green)
Metal =
Rifle Wood = VMC 70.875 Beige Brown
Belts: ? V822(Cam.BlackBrown) / {recomended}871(LeatherBrown) 1:1 with 825(Camo pale Viol Brown
Boots: V822(Cam.BlackBrown) may be mixed with 950(Black)
Shove top: used V894
bed roll: V874 us tan earth
Feed bag: V884 stongrey
painting vallejo German helmet color WWII
11/23/2015 Painting Figures Notes
#01 1- 1/72 Soviet {britishParatrooper as soviet} Airfix tossing grenade / paint mix RAL 7028(vallejo primer)- Dipped in "Army Painter Quick Shade Strong Tone" Brushed Over w/V880
#02 !!needes touch-up on flesh & Much More!! 2- 15mm Soviet PCS (1A Male medic Marching w/helmet)(2A Female medic standing) / paint mix 5:1 MA middlestone&white Airbrushed- Dipped in "Army Painter Quick Shade Strong Tone"
#04 !!needes BASING!!! 2- 15mm German PCS (1A Standing rifleman firing w/helmet) (2A SMG w/cap tossing grenade) / paint mix VMA Light GreyGreen 4:1 w/White [airbushed Model Air] , Good example of VMA Light GreyGreen with Army Painter strong shade #04 = GERMAN FIGURE PAINT SAMPLE
#05 !!needes tunic bruch over,Helmet & Lots touch-up + Dulling!! 1- 15mm German PCS Standing SMG w/helmet tossing grenade / paint mix VMA Light GreyGreen 4:1 w/White [airbushed Model Air] , Pants brushed over VMC 836 London Grey, Looks like this was overdone on Army Painter shading
#06 !!needes tunic bruch over,Helmet & Lots touch-up!! 1- 15mm German PCS Medic marching w/helmet / paint mix ? POSSIBLE VMA Light GreyGreen 4:1 w/White [airbushed Model Air], Looks like too heavy army painter tone, Pants overpainted VMC London Grey.
#08 1/72 Soviet PSC tossing grenade / paint mix MiddleStone 5:1- Dipped in "Army Painter Quick Shade Strong Tone" Brushed Over {Russ. mix C}
#10 1- 15mm Soviet PCS Standing firing rifle w/cap / / paint mix MiddleStone 5:1- Dipped in "Army Painter Quick Shade Strong Tone" Brushed Over(?English uniform?)
#11 !!needes flesh drybrushed!! 2- 1/72 Soviet, PSC(1A) & Zvezda (1A female medic in place) & (2A Zvezda Running Soviet) / paint mix Tamiya spay can Dark Yellow- Dipped in "Army Painter Quick Shade Strong Tone" Brushed Over [russ. Mix D]
#12 !!needes flesh drybrushed & Black retouch!! 2- 15mm Soviet PSC (1A NCO w/pistol capped kneeling pointing) & (2A NCO w/pistol helmeted kneeling pointing) / paint mix 5:1 MA middlestone&white Airbrushed- Dipped in "Army Painter Quick Shade Strong Tone"
#13 !!needes flesh drybrushed!! 1- 1/72 Soviet PSC Standing firing rifle / paint mix MiddleStone 4:1- Dipped in "Army Painter Quick Shade Strong Tone" Brushed Over
#14 1- 1/72 German PCS (1A advancing w/Rifle) & (2A medic advancing) / paint mix V Light GreyGreen 4:1 w/White [airbushed Model Air]
#18 2-1/72 German PCS (1A advancing w/Rifle) & (2A machine gunner firing) / paint mix V Light GreyGreen 100% [airbushed Model Air]
#19 #22 1- 1/72 German Revell machine gunner marching forward w/smock / paint mix V Light GreyGreen 4:1 w/White [airbushed Model Air]
#20 2- 1/72 German PCS (1A advancing w/Rifle) & (2A medic advancing) / paint mix V Light GreyGreen 5:1 w/White [airbushed Model Air] Dipped in "Army Painter Quick Shade Strong Tone" (1A pants sea grey) (2A germanUniform pants)
#22 1- 1/72 German PCS machine gunner marching forward / paint mix V Light GreyGreen 4:1 w/White [airbushed Model Air]
#23 1- 1/72 Soviet PSC Standing machine gunner firing / paint mix MiddleStone 4:1- Dipped in "Army Painter Quick Shade Strong Tone" Brushed Over
#24 2- 1/72 Soviet PSC (1A Prone Machine gunner w/cap shooting)(2A advancing w/Rifle) / paint mix MiddleStone 5:1- Dipped in "Army Painter Quick Shade Strong Tone"
#25 1- 1/72 Soviet PSC Standing firing rifle / paint mix MiddleStone 4:1- Dipped in "Army Painter Quick Shade Strong Tone" Brushed Over
#26 1- 1/72 Soviet Revell Prone rifle gunner shooting) / paint mix( middlestone(?5:1?) - Dipped in "Army Painter Quick Shade Strong Tone" Brushed Over
#29 1- 1/72 Soviet PSC advancing w/Rifle / paint mix RAL 7028(vallejo primer)- Dipped in "Army Painter Quick Shade Strong Tone" Brushed Over
#101 4- 15mm German PCS (1A Capped marching forward w/rifle)(2A rapid advancing w/Rifle) & (3A Standing machine gunner firing) / paint mix ?tamiya fieldgrey spay can) Dipped in "Army Painter Quick Shade Strong Tone"
#102 3- 15mm German PCS (1A Machine gunner arm up marching forward )(2A soldier w/Machine gun ammo) & (3A Standing soldier tossing gernade) / paint mix tamiya fieldgrey spay can) Dipped in "Army Painter Quick Shade Strong Tone"
#103 3- 15mm Soviet PCS (1A Standing firing rifle w/hemet )(2A Standing firing rifle w/cap) & (3A Standing firing rifle w/hemet) / paint mix ?tamiya dark yellow spay can?) Dipped in "Army Painter Quick Shade Strong Tone"
#104 1- 15mm Soviet PCS Standing firing rifle w/cap / paint mix ?unknown) Dipped in "Army Painter Quick Shade Strong Tone"
#105 !!needes touch-up & More Dulling!! 6- 15mm German PCS (1A Soldier Squatting & Raising rifle)(2A Standing machine gunner firing) & (3A Capped Kneeling arm out stretched)(4A LMG gunner arm up marching forward)(5A Soldier walking w/Machine gun ammo)(6A Standing soldier tossing grenade) / paint mix (?tamiya fieldgrey spay can) Dipped in "Army Painter Quick Shade Strong Tone"
#106 !!needes touch-up on guns & More Dulling!! 6- 15mm German PCS (1A Kneeling rifleman shooting w/helmet)(2A Standing rifleman firing w/cap) & (3A Standing rifleman firing w/hemet)(4A Rifleman advancing while shooting w/helmet)(5A Standing soldier w/cap tossing grenade) (6A Wounded Blond soldier walking w/Machine gun ammo) / paint mix (?tamiya fieldgrey spay can? may be airbrushed light grey green(MA)) Dipped in "Army Painter Quick Shade Strong Tone"
#107 !!needes touch-up on flesh & Straps!! 2- 15mm Soviet PCS (1A Male medic Marching w/helmet)(2A Female medic standing) / paint mix Tamiya TS-3 Dark Yellow spray Can, Dipped in "Army Painter Quick Shade Strong Tone" Over brushed with Brushed over with mix of VallejoMC English Uniform 70.921 in a unkown mix of VMC921 3:1:1:1
#108 !!needes touch-up onHelmet, Boots & Straps!! 2- 15mm Soviet PCS (1A Standing SMG w/helmet tossing grenade)(2A Standing SMG w/cap tossing grenade)(3A Kneeling SMG shooting w/cap)(4A Kneeling SMG shooting w/helmet) / paint mix Tamiya TS-3 Dark Yellow spray Can, Dipped in "Army Painter Quick Shade Strong Tone" No Over brush! Good example of Tamiya TS-3 spray can with Army Painter Strong Tone brushed on
#109 !!needes BASING!!! 2- 15mm German PCS (1A Advancing rifleman w/cap) (2A Medic marching w/helmet) / paint mix ? Possible VMA Light GreyGreen 4:1 w/White [airbushed Model Air] , Good example of VMA Light GreyGreen with Army Painter strong shade
#109 !!needes Helmet,Boots&canteen!!! 1- 15mm German PCS Advancing rifleman w/helmet) / paint mix ? Possible VMA Light GreyGreen 4:1 w/White [airbushed Model Air] , Good example of VMA Light GreyGreen with Army Painter strong shade
PSC Soldier Ref.
Capped marching forward w/rifle
Standing SMG gunner firing
rapid advancing w/Rifle
Standing rifleman firing w/hemet
Standing rifleman firing w/cap
Kneeling rifleman shooting w/helmet
Kneeling SMG shooting w/helmet
Kneeling SMG shooting w/cap
SMG gunner arm up marching forward
Standing SMG w/helmet tossing grenade
Standing SMG w/cap tossing grenade
Rifleman advancing while shooting w/helmet
Capped Kneeling w/SMG arm out stretched
NCO w/pistol capped kneeling pointing
Male medic marching w/helmet
Female medic standing
Soldier walking w/Machine gun ammo
Wounded blonde soldier walking w/Machine gun ammo
Soldier squatting & raising rifle
Washers for Bases
1) Fill holes with "JB Weld" two part epoxy on wax paper
2) Cut way JB flash after day of drying & sand flat if needed after has dried for several days
3) Prime washers with
Kriegs corner on 15mm outfited soldiers of WWII in Vallejo colors *****
Michigan Toy Soldier Co Referance site to WWII German Uniform
WWII Troop colors
TT ref. sites:
() Issue dry brushing over Army painter glossiness. No tooth on surface to hold paint during dry brush which caused paint to smear around and wipe off areas
() ? look-up using satin/luster spray for better drybrushing. Has tooth for paint to hold.
Plastic Soldier Co. 15mm(1/100)WWII Russian Infantry Heavy Weapons
Comments: Gift
German Heavy Weapon @ Tank Taco HERE
Using Heavy weapon w/ BGK & Basing Discussion_Guild:
Plastic Soldier Co. 15mm(1/100)WWII Russian 45mm Anti Tank Gun
Comments: Gift
Scroll to find samples HERE @ Fjodins 15mm world
Using Heavy weapon w/ BGK & Basing Discussion_Guild:
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